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The Geological Society Club

The Geological Society Club, a dining club that dates back 192 years, has been transformed into a new Specialist Group of the Society – the Geological Society Discussion Group.

This group will host many Discussion Dinners during the year, at a number of different venues, including Burlington House. All Fellows of the Society are welcome to attend the meetings at which a speaker will open a topic of current geological interest, allowing for discussion over the meal. Details of the groups meetings and topics for discussion will be available on the Discussion Group page in the Specialist Group section.

When appropriate, dinners will be timed to coincide with meetings at the Society.


The Geological Society Club developed out of the regular tavern dinners enjoyed by Members and was founded stlucia_dinner.jpgon 5 November 1824 at the Thatched-House Tavern in St James’s Street. The membership of the Club was limited to 40 Members who were invited to dine together on the days appointed for meetings of the Society.

In 1973 it was decided that most of the Club’s dinners should be ‘open’ events which all Fellows would be eligible to attend, be they members of the Club or not. This is still the case today, with just two dinners each year being ‘closed’ events1 .

The Club met monthly (except over the field season!) at 6:30pm for 7pm in the Atheneum, Pall Mall. Occasionally meetings were held elsewhere including once a year at Burlington House. New diners were always welcome and dates were advertised in Geoscientist.  

The Club’s Archive is held by the Society. 

1 Adapted from Herries Davies, Gordon L. (2007) Whatever is under the earth: the Geological Society of London 1807 – 2007 London: The Geological Society