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Supergiant Lower Cretaceous Pre-Salt Santos Basin

Product Code: 1319
Series: AAPG Memoirs
Author/Editor: Edited by Marcio Rocha Mello, Pinar O. Yilmaz, and Barry J. Katz
Publication Date: 01 October 2021
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AAPG Memoir 124

Comprised of 20 chapters, Memoir 124 is the most complete publication about one of the largest deep-water oil provinces ever discovered in the world: The giant pre-salt Santos Basin, Brazil.

This volume contains: detailed descriptions of the elements of the petroleum systems present in the Santos Basin, Brazil, including oil, source rock, reservoir, and traps; detailed descriptions of the process of the petroleum systems, including generation, migration, accumulation, and preservation; and discussion on the use of the petroleum system concept in the Santos Basin to provide an effective means to differentiate, characterize, and de-risk each of the petroleum systems present in the basin.

Several papers describe novel technologies with examples of state-of-the-art geochemical, geophysical, and remote sensing methodologies. Overviews of the Tupi, Mero, and Buzios oil fields, considered the largest oil fields of the South Atlantic realm, are also included. This Memoir will be of great interest to AAPG readers, and will make a significant contribution to the petroleum geoscientists, the industry, and academia.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9780891814290
Publisher: AAPG
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 542
Weight: 2 kg



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