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Geoconservation Committee

The Geoconservation Committee reports to the External Relations Committee.


The aim of the Geoconservation Committee is to help conserve the diverse geology and rich geological and geomorphological heritage of the United Kingdom, and to pass it in good order to future generations for their investigation, education and enjoyment.

Terms of reference

  • To promote the conservation of important geological sites and access to them, both within the UK and (through partnerships) worldwide;
  • To work with others to promote the sustainable use and value of geological sites as resources for education, training, public enjoyment and especially further scientific research;
  • To support initiatives that promote geodiversity, and its importance alongside biodiversity in sustaining ecosystems and ecosystem services; 
  • To ensure that the Society maintains a coherent policy for geoconservation in the light of national (UK and regional) and international developments;
  • To provide guidance on the integration and management of geoconservation activities within the Society;
  • and to advise Council accordingly through the External Relations Committee.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Fellow of the Society and shall sit on the External Relations Committee ex officio.

The Chair, to be appointed by the External Relations Committee, will normally serve for 3 years.

Members will be chosen by the External Relations Committee, with the advice of the Geoconservation Committee, to ensure that key areas of geoconservation are covered; and to serve as links to other major geoconservation organizations in the UK.

The secretariat will be provided by the Policy Officer. The Director of Policy and Communications will attend meetings of the Committee.

Method of working

The Geoconservation Committee will report to Council through the External Relations Committee.

There will be up to four in person or virtual meetings a year and the Committee may establish advisory panels and time-limited working groups as required.

Committee Members


  • Mr Hugh Barron (British Geological Survey)

Other Members

  • Eleanor Brown (Quaternary Research Association)
  • Ms Lesley Dunlop (English Geodiversity Forum)
  • Dr Kirstin Lemon (Northern Ireland rep)
  • Dr Angus Miller (Scottish Geodiversity Forum rep)
  • Dr Matthew Parkes (Geological Curators' Group)
  • Mr Alan Bowring (Wales rep)
  • Ms Christine Yallup
  • Rhian Kendall
  • Stephen Fryer


  • Dr Natasha Stephen (Director of Science and Engagement)
  • Dr Megan O'Donnell (Head of Policy and Communications)