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Rifts III: Catching the Wave

Event type:
Organised by:
Energy Group
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

Given the significant advances in the science of rifts and rifted margins and the increasing availability of new regional seismic and well data, it seems appropriate to revisit the rapidly evolving subject matter and concepts. Contrasting and contradictory models have emerged in the last 5 years from both industry and academia regarding the evolution of rifted margins. Geological “laboratories” such as the Alps, Afar, East Africa the South Atlantic and the Labrador-Iberia conjugate margin are yielding new models for rift evolution with implications for heat flow and creation of accommodation space.

The objectives of the conference are to challenge paradigms and consider the applicability of new ideas to the latest sub-surface datasets. The technical program will be designed to address many of the critical parameters raised in these areas e.g. rift architectures, break-up models, continent-ocean boundaries, subsidence patterns, facies distribution and heat flow.

The three-day conference will be constructed around six half-day sessions and four broad themes of oral presentation that will polarize the scales of investigation and reveal the direct applicability of the emerging theorems. Many rift model paradigms underpin our understanding and exploration of rifted continental margins and new exploration concepts need to be consistently applied. However, numerous aspects of crustal evolution and lithospheric extension remain contentious, and new sub-surface datasets have highlighted important apparent conjugate paradoxes. Heat flow, subsidence and passive margin formation appear to be subject to both temporal and spatial anomalies related to rift processes.

The future success rates of exploration of deep-water continental margins will require the deployment of new insights rapidly and effectively. This is the third conference in this world-class series which seeks to attract leading-edge science with a Thematic Publication planned.

The individual abstracts are available at:

For further information, please contact Laura Griffiths


Registration is now closed. 

Corporate Affiliates and GSL Associated Societies can register at a reduced fee. 

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Associated Societies  
GSL Associated Societies include AAPG, AIPG, GSA, NGWA, GAC and SEPM. See the Associated Societies list.
  Associated Societies members should choose the Other Societies booking option when registering.   


The Petroleum Group is able to offer a discount on conference registration fees for unemployed members.

Please contact Laura Griffiths for further information.

Registration rates

£ 200.00
£ 300.00
£ 200.00
£ 200.00
£ 50.00

Registration rates

£ 200.00
£ 300.00
£ 200.00
£ 200.00
£ 50.00

Geolsoc Contact

Conference Office

The Geological Society
Burlington House

Event sponsors