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GCG Pyrite Oxidation: where are we now?

10 May 2018
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Event type:
Workshop, Lecture
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Geological Collections Group
Natural History Museum, London
Event status:

A day of talks and workshops will be held at the Natural History Museum in London (UK), in association with Geological Curators’ Group.

Problems with pyrite? Pyritised fossils in your collections could be at risk of damage from pyrite oxidation unless they are properly protected and stored. 

Join the GCG at this expert workshop organised by staff from the Natural History Museum, London, offering talks and practical demonstrations of the most up to date thinking on dealing with pyrite in collections.

The day is aimed at all conservators and curators who work with geological collections, but there may be interest from other museum professionals, students and volunteers.

Booking is open now. Abstracts for talks and posters are welcomed, and should be submitted by 15th February. Please click through to our website for more details.


Follow the event at #pyrite2018 and @OriginalGCG


£0 - £25

Convenor Contact

Geological Curators' Group

Geological Curators' Group