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Geologists Association Student Symposium: Geology and societal change

Event type:
Conference, Social event
Organised by:
Geologists' Association, Geological Society Events
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:
Registration open now. Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2017

What difference does your research make?

In 2017 the inaugural Geologist's Association Student Symposium (GASS) will take place in London. Supported by the Geological Society with a keynote talk by Prof Iain Stewart, the symposium aims to offer undergraduates and post-graduate students the opportunity to present their work in a friendly, informal setting.

Reflecting the core values of both the GA and the Geological Society, the symposium will reflect on gology and societal change, and will invite participants to consider what difference their research makes to society.

Call for Abstracts

We welcome offers of speakers and posters. If you would like to give a talk or present a poster, please submit an abstract to by 31st March 2017.

Suggested themes include:

  • Geohazards
  • Geological Engineering
  • Exploration
  • Climate change

Talks and Posters

All talks and posters (except the key note address) will be presented by students; however academics, industry professionals and members of the GA and GeolSoc are strongly encouraged to attend.

The symposium will provide an excellent opportunity for the public, industry and academia to meet with the next generaton onf geoscientists, inspire each other and develop new friendships and collaborations. There will be ample opportunity for graduates to connect with 'real life' geologists and gain valuable careers advice.

Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.

Confirmed keynote speaker

Professor Iain Stewart (Directory of the Sustainable Earth Institute, Plymouth University)


Online Registration is open now on the GA website

Registration fees:

£15 Students
£10 Student GA members
£25 Non-students


On behalf of the GA:

  • Rebecca Bell* (Imperial College)
  • Liam Gallagher* (NSC Ltd.)
  • Simon Gozzard (Shell)
  • Roger Lloyd (Open University GS)
  • Lucia Perez Diaz (Royal Holloway)
  • Nick Pierpoint* (sabbatical)

*GA Council Member
