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Groundwater Management in Construction

Event type:
Organised by:
Engineering Group, Hydrogeological Group
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
Event status:
To register, please download the PDF form
and return to Georgina Worrall

This one day meeting aims to promote links and discussion between experts from the groundwater and engineering communities. Effective groundwater management is increasingly recognised as an essential part of construction. Engineers are often faced with issues of groundwater management. Hydrogeologists understand groundwater and can assist with the solution to these engineering problems.

Hydrogeologists need to best utilise and manage the groundwater environment, often with constrained systems (such as old wells), engineers help by providing technical solutions to these problems. Due to its complexity, a detailed understanding of the groundwater environment is often required to ensure that resources are exploited in a safe, sustainable and cost-effective way.

The key objectives of the meeting are to:

  1. highlight some of the specific challenges associated with groundwater in construction;
  2. to bring hydrogeologists, geotechnical, civil and construction engineers together to share and discuss experiences and challenges and how these have been overcome;
  3. to highlight recent experience from practitioners within the construction, engineering and groundwater communities and facilitate discussion on how best to bring specialists and experts together.


9:30am - 6:30pm (including drinks reception)


Registration from 09:30am; meeting to commence at 10:00am.

The meeting will consist of a series of presentations. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Martin Preene (Golder Associates UK Ltd) - Environmental Impacts of Groundwater Control Systems
  • Jane Sladen (URS) - Groundwater: Potential Impacts During Construction
  • Nick Christopher (Grundfos) - Grundfos and Groundwater
  • David Whitaker (Arup) - Basements – Keeping the Neighbours Happy
  • Ed Henderson (National Nuclear Laboratory) - Hydrological Monitoring Prior to the Construction of a Repository for Low and Short Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
  • Toby Roberts (WJGL) - Groundwater Control Methods
  • Claire Howarth & David Harris (Mott MacDonald) - Lambeth Group Depressurisation – Rising up to the Challenge
  • Emilio Linde Arias (OTB Engineering) - Depressurisation of Stepney Green SCL Caverns
  • Gary Holmes (WJGL) - Case study: North Woolwich Portal – Abstraction and Recharge Scheme
  • Mark Raynor (SRK Consulting) - Mine Dewatering

The meeting will conclude at 5:00pm and will be followed by a drinks reception to which all are welcome.


  • Trevor Muten (Tapajos Limited) - Hydrogeological Group
  • Darren Page (OTB Engineering) - Engineering Group

The aim of the day is to bring Engineers, Engineering Geologists, Geotechnical Engineers and Hydrogeologists together. Each session will include an opportunity for questions and discussion. The day will be punctuated with networking opportunities.

Coffee/tea will be provided during the day; no lunch provided. 

Registration rates

£ 60.00
£ 75.00
£ 35.00
£ 35.00

Registration rates

£ 60.00
£ 75.00
£ 35.00
£ 35.00

Geolsoc Contact

Conference Office

The Geological Society
Burlington House

Convenor Contact

Trevor Muten

Hydro Group Committee

Darren Page

Engineering Group Committee

Event sponsors