Event type:
Lecture, Social event
Organised by:
Engineering Group
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:
The 2016 Glossop Medal Lecture and Glossop Award will be held in London at Burlington House. The event will be followed by the Glossop Reception.
Attendance of the Glossop Medal and Award lectures is Free but registration is required.
To register for the Free lecture please email Donna Fitzgerald
There is a cost for the Glossop Reception.
- Delegate Fee Fellows £30
- Non Fellows £35
To register for both the Reception and Lecture click the button on the right hand side and complete the online form. Registration closes on 28 October 2015
The event will be livestreamed. Click here to view the livestream.
The Winners
This year's Glossop Medal goes to Tony Waltham, BSc, DIC, PhD, Karst Geologist*
‘Control the Drainage: The Gospel Accorded to Sinkholes’
Preceded by the 19th Glossop Award presentation by Yung Loo (Arup)
‘Engineering geological solutions for CERN’s underground infrastructure’
*Find out more about Tony Waltham in the flyer on the right
5.15pm - Access to Burlington House from for pre-lecture Tea/Coffee;
5.45pm - Prompt start for Glossop Award and Glossop Lecture;
8.00pm - Glossop Reception.
Lecture Synopsis

Karst is a landscape that is distinguished by underground drainage normally formed on limestone or gypsum. Its impact on engineering geology is the distinctive suite of karst geohazards, which are largely related to the holes in the ground of varying size and unpredictable nature. The most widespread and frequent geohazard is the development of new sinkholes within the soil profile over a cavernous limestone developing by suffosion.
New suffosion sinkholes are nearly all formed by rainstorms, new drainage inputs or water table decline; they are therefore largely avoidable if the gospel of drainage control is obeyed. Rock collapse developing new sinkholes represents a further geohazard. Most sinkholes in soil and most collapses on rock are induced, wholly or partially, by civil engineering activities, and are therefore largely avoidable.
The 16th Glossop Lecture will address the challenges related to karst using examples from around the world and clearly illustrate that drainage control is the golden rule in karst.
Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available – Contact the event convenor for details.
Registration rates
£ 30.00
£ 35.00