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Borehole Design Construction and Operation

Event type:
Field trip
Organised by:
Newcastle University
School of Engineering and Geosciences
Event status:

Correct design and long term maintenance of boreholes is critical to ensuring sustainable water supplies from groundwater. This course provides a detailed understanding of the principles and practice of borehole design and maintenance, including design, drilling, geophysical investigation, test pumping, and long-term maintenance. The focus is on water supply boreholes, although many of the techniques apply equally to other types of boreholes used for investigation, monitoring or water quality sampling. An emphasis is placed on optimisation of design for sustainable yield.

The course is taught by experienced academics and practitioners from leading drilling and geophysical logging companies and includes a combination of classroom work, computer practicals, and a field visit to the University's own borehole experimental facilities at Cockle Park in Northumberland.

 Course Outline

  • Background to groundwater investigation and development, sustainable yield
  • Types of boreholes and their uses, appropriate technology water supply wells, boreholes for sampling and monitoring
  • Borehole site location selection
  • Drilling methods
  • Borehole investigations, wireline geophysics, lithological analysis and sampling of cuttings
  • Well design principles and practice, open holes, casing, screens, gravel packs
  • Drilling processes, cementing, centralisers, verticality of wells
  • Optimal design
  • Aquifer and well development
  • Pump selection for different purposes
  • Test pumping for sustainable yield / deployable output, aquifer properties (step and constant rate tests)
  • Well maintenance and rehabilitation
  • Well design and operation for monitoring and water quality sampling

Note that the course includes a field trip to Cockle Park Farm in Northumberland. Suitable clothes will be required.

Who is the course aimed at?

The course is suitable for people from any environmental or engineering background who wish to understand how to manage boreholes for accessing groundwater systems.


School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

  • Dr Geoff Parkin (Course Leader)

Industry Professionals 

  • Kim Beesley - European Geophysical Surveys
  • Prof Rick Brassington - Consultant Hydrogeologist
  • Dave Gowans - Drilcorp

Fees and Booking

  • Groundwater Contamination & Remediation - £1125.00

*Special offer for Fellows of the Geological Society who register* - £1012.50

We offer a 30 percent discount on this course to full time students and to Newcastle University staff.

Book online.

Formal assessment may be available for this Course. Assessment attracts an additional fee of £275.00, and delegates will be issued with a transcript and Certificate of Credit Achieved.

Further information

For more information and to book online visit the Newcastle University website.