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HYBRID CONFERENCE - Basin and Petroleum Systems Modelling: Best Practices, Challenges and New Techniques
28 - 30 September 2021
Event type:
Conference, Specialist Group
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Energy Group
Hybrid event - The Geological Society Burlington House and Virtually
Event status:
The prediction of viable petroleum systems is critical to meet the growing energy demand. At the same time, the energy sector is shifting from traditional hydrocarbon to alternatives, and new disciplines such as carbon capture and storage are emerging. This meeting will discuss the importance of Basin and Petroleum System Modelling (BPSM) in exploration and evaluation of resources, focussing on best practices, recent developments, novel applications, and opportunities for the future. New and improved digital capabilities have enabled a more integrated approach to analysis; therefore, the impact of newly available data and technologies in BPSM will be reviewed.
BPSM key topics
- Best practices in different exploration scenarios: mature, frontier, and unconventional areas
- Effectiveness of modelling geological processes: heat flow; erosion; kinetics; thermal conductivity
- New techniques in BSPM
- Linking to new disciplines: carbon capture and storage; reservoir engineering; geothermal; and more
- Dealing with predicted risk and uncertainty
- Charge and migration modelling
- Case studies
The conference will bring together professionals from academia, government agencies, and industry to discuss BPSM through a series of presentations and panel discussions, suitable for both a specialist basin modeller and for a general exploration geologist.
- Zhiyong He (Zetaware)
- Neil Frewin (Shell)
- Thomas Hantshel (Schlumberger)
Programme and Abstract Book
The digital copy of the abstract book is available to download.
Registration - Closed
Registration is now Closed.
- Christine Yallup (Halliburton)
- Rachel Round (Halliburton)
- Michael Abrams (Imperial College London)
- Friedemann Baur (Chevron)
- David Gardiner (IGI)
- Daniel Palmowski (Schlumberger)
- Will Prendergast (Independent)
- Dani Schmid (Geomodelling Solutions)
- Robert Newbould (Harbour Energy)
- Helen Doran (Ola Geoscience)
More information
The conference is going to be a hybrid conference, held at the Geological Society London and virtually.
Please contact with any other enquiries.