Event type:
Conference, Virtual event
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Energy Transition, Energy Group
Event status:
Geosciences and the Energy Transition: Energy Transfer, Injection and Storage.
The second of a series of webinars and meetings to assess and highlight the role of Geosciences in the Energy Transition (ET). Two more webinars are scheduled for 2021 leading to a Discussion Meeting on the Energy Transition in April 2022 planned to be held in Burlington House.
This second event is focused on reviewing the status and progress on Energy Transfer, Injection and Storage via; CCUS, geothermal/heat, hydrogen, compressed air, radioactive waste and oil/gas stewardship during the Energy Transition.
The meeting format will include breakout sessions for attendees to participate in critical issue discussions and with time to report back to the general meeting.
A recording of the first Webinar in this series on ‘Geosciences and the Energy Transition’, held in April 2021, will soon be available via this website.
Series Overview and Purpose
An overview of Energy Transition and Geoscience contributions with an aim to cover science progress and achievements in critical areas, the context of geosciences in society awareness, Government policy, finance, insurance, and economic communities.
The series of meetings will provide updates and discussions on the geological science needed to underpin future energy changes and to promote the systems approach for the collaborations needed for efficient integration of geosciences into the ET.
The series of Webinars/Meetings is aimed at addressing the following questions:
1. What are the recent advances and future needs in geoscience areas critical to the Energy Transition?
2. How can Geosciences contribute more effectively to the Energy Transition?
3. What advances in Geoscience integration into societal needs and public awareness of the Energy Transition are possible?
4. How well is the Geosciences community integrated with other sciences and engineering, and how can a more multidisciplinary, systems approach be achieved?
The outcomes of the series are aimed at:
• Increased and accelerated awareness of the role, contribution and importance of the geosciences to the Energy Transition.
• Highlighting the need for rapid and robust planning and action on responsible resource usage and the use of geoscience skills in the Energy Transition.
• Generating a platform for multi-disciplinary engagement and collaboration across the geosciences and with other sciences as a foundation for future interdisciplinary meetings/engagement on the ET.
• Publications in the online open access journal; Earth Science, Systems and Society (ES3).
MONDAY 7 JUNE, Day 1 - 12.00 to 16.00 BST.
Session 1. Introduction 12.00 to 12.30
Opening perspectives on the Geosciences and the Energy Transition:
- Mike Daly, President Geological Society.
- Paul Monks, Chief Scientific Advisor BEIS.
Opening perspectives on the GeoSciences and the Energy Transition.
- Jen Roberts, Programme Review.
Session 2. Carbon Storage 12.30 to 13.50
- 12:30-12:50 Graham Beal (Partner EY Corporate Finance – Government and Infrastructure)
CCUS - The blueprint for delivery.
- 12.50-13.05 Niall MacDowell (Imperial College, London), Stuart Haszeldine (Edinburgh University), and Jon Gibbons (Sheffield University).
Perceptions of permanence in carbon storage - what is a long time?
- 13.05-13.20 Emily Cox, Elspeth Spence, Nick Pidgeon, Steve Westlake & Conor John, (Cardiff University).
Building a social license: subsurface technologies and carbon dioxide removal.
- 13.20-13.35 Nilay Shah (Imperial College, London).
Hydrogen and CCS – the opportunities in the future energy system.
- 13.35 -14.00 Discussion.
Break 14.00 to 14.15.
Session 3. Energy Transfer / Geothermal 14.15 to 16.00
- 14.00-14.15 Lucy Cotton and Peter Ledingham (GeoScience Ltd.).
Geothermal: Examples and Key Learnings.
- 14.15-14.30 Sandra Snæbjörnsdóttir and Bergur Sigfússon, (Carbfix, Iceland).
CO2 storage through carbon mineralisation.
- 14.30-14.45 Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Jon Gluyas (Durham University).
Power production from CO2 plume geothermal (CPG) systems.
- 14.45-15.00 Charlotte Adams (The Coal Authority).
Heating the future with abandoned coal mines.
- 15.00-15.45 Discussion.
- 15.45-16.00 Overview and Wrap-up.
TUESDAY 8 JUNE - Day 2. 9.30 to 13:00 BST
Session 1. Introduction 9.30 - 10.00
- 9.30-10.00 Bryony Livesey (ISCF Director – Industrial Decarbonisation, UKRI).
Mobilising the subsurface net-zero geo-industry.
Session 2. Energy Storage 10.00 to 11.00
- 10.00-10.15 Katriona Edlmann (Edinburgh University).
Hydrogen storage and net-zero.
- 10.15-10.30 Alan Leadbetter (Storengy Ltd.).
Using Salt Caverns to store Hydrogen.
- 10.30-11.00 Discussion.
Break 11.00 to 11.15.
Session 3. Geosciences and the Energy Transition – Building Public Confidence 11.15 to 13.00
- 11.15-11.30 Richard Davies (Newcastle University),
- Miles Wilson (Durham University), Lawrence Williams (University of Sussex), Rachel Brown (Newcastle University).
Shale fail: what can we learn for the energy transition?
- 11.30-11.45 Linda Stalker (CSIRO) and the In-Situ Laboratory Project Team.
Subsurface test laboratories and sites for net zero applications: Dirty hands and Clean Energy.
- 11.45-12.00 Gareth Johnson (Strathclyde University).
Tracking injection in the subsurface: insights into CO2 storage security with implications for public confidence.
- 12.00-12.15 Jonathan Turner (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority).
Deep geological disposal of UK higher activity nuclear waste.
- 12.15-12.50 Discussion and wrap-up.
End 13.00
- Rob Knipe (University of Leeds)
- Jon Gluyas (University of Durham),
- Stuart Haszeldine OBE (University of Edinburgh)
- David Reiner (University of Cambridge)
- Frances Wall (University of Exeter)
- Nick Gardiner (St Andrews University and Geological Society Theme Leader)
- Jen Roberts (University of Strathclyde)
- Mike Stephenson (BGS)
- Jo Coleman OBE (Shell).
- David McNamara (University of Liverpool).
Registration for this conference is open now via the link on this page, or contact [email protected] to request a registration form.
Please contact [email protected] with any enquiries.