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Event type:
Geological Discussion, Specialist Group
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Geological Society Discussion Group
University Women's Club, 2 Audley Square, London
Event status:

Time and location

6.30pm at University Women's Club, 2 Audley Square London W1K 1DB

Event details

Hear from Clive Oppenheimer – Professor of Volcanology, Dept of Geography, Cambridge University.

Clive is a geoscientist and filmmaker. His interests include volcanic processes and hazards; the climatic and societal impacts of eruptions; geoarchaeology; paleoclimatology; sensors and atmospheric science.

Clive's career & qualifications:

  • Since 1994: Lecturer, University of Cambridge
  • 2010–11: Le Studium Research Associate, Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans
  • 2007–08: Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellow, New Mexico Tech.
  • 1993–94: Earth Observation Fellow (NERC), University of Cambridge
  • 1993: Visiting researcher, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 1991–92: Research Assistant, Open University
  • 1991: PhD (Open University) Volcanology
  • 1987: Seismologist, Geophysics Division, DSIR, Wellington, NZ
  • 1986: BA (University of Cambridge) Natural Sciences

Further information

The cost of the dinner is usually £70 per person. 

To register your interest or find out more, please email the Group Secretary at