The accumulation of plastic debris in the environment is a global problem which may have detrimental impacts on ecosystem health. Plastics are now widely enough distributed that they may also act as an anthropogenic marker horizon in the future rock record. However, there are still many outstanding questions regarding the: 1) source, 2) transfer, 3) degradation, 4) persistence and 5) measurement of plastics in the environment.
This one-day meeting will bring together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines (e.g. hydrology, sedimentology, geochemistry, Earth science, biology) to discuss the fate of plastics in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.
This meeting seeks to foster conversation between these different communities to facilitate a more holistic approach towards understanding plastic in the environment.
This conference is supported by the Geochemistry Group, the British Sedimentological Research Group, the Marine Studies Group, the Earth System Science Group, the Contaminated Land Group, they Hydrogeological Group and the Environment Network
This event will be taking place virtually. Further information will be sent to delegates.
Registration rates
£ 45.00
£ 70.00
£ 45.00
£ 45.00
£ 20.00