Parent Paper: The carbonate tectonic units of northern Calabria (Italy): a record of Apulian palaeomargin evolution and Miocene convergence, continental crust subduction, and exhumation of HP-LT rocks
Iannace, A., Vitale, S., D’Errico, M., Mazzoli, S., Di Staso, A., Macione, E., Messina, A., Reddy, S. M., Somma, R., Zamparelli, V., Zattin, M. & Bonardi, G.
Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. 164, Part 6, November 2007, pp. 1165-1186.
- APPENDIX 1. Apatite fission track dating
- APPENDIX 2. Ar data
- Table 1. Compositional data on carpholite from Lungro-Verbicaro Unit quartz veins and Miocene metapelites (Scisti del Fiume Lao Fm).
- Table 2. Compositional data on chlorite and white micas from Lungro-Verbicaro Unit quartz veins and Miocene metapelites (Scisti del Fiume Lao Fm).
- Table 3. Compositional data on chloritoid and chlorite from Lungro-Verbicaro Unit Triassic phyllites.
- Table 4. Compositional data on white micas from Cetraro Unit phyllites.
- Table 5. Central ages calculated using dosimeter glass CN5 and ζ-CN5=366.5±3.5. ρs: spontaneous track densities (x 105 cm-2) measured in internal mineral surfaces; ρi and ρ d: induced and dosimeter track densities (x 106 cm-2) on external mica detectors (g=0.5); Ni and Nd: total numbers of tracks; P(χ2): probability of obtaining χ2-value for ν degrees of freedom (where ν=number of crystals-1); a probability >5% is indicative of an homogenous population.
- Table 6. Ar data from Cetraro Unit phyllites.