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Parent Paper: Dynamics of the Polish and Eastern Slovakian parts of the Carpathian accretionary wedge: insights from palaeostress analyses.

Nemcok, M., Dilov, T., Wojtaszek, M., Ludhová, L., Klecker, R. A., Sercombe, W. J. & Coward, M. P.

Appearing in ‘Deformation of the Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike Coward’. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 272, 271-302.

Figure 1: The distributions of outcrops with less than 4 fault-striae reading and with 4-6 readings are shown in red and yellow, respectively. Note that the largest difficulty in finding robust data sets at the outcrops was in the west. This situation progressively improved eastward within each unit. Outcrops of the Skole unit in the NE practically contain only robust data sets.

Figure 2: The distributions of outcrops according to the type of the calculated stress regime: monophase locations: (a) red - reverse faulting, (b) yellow – strike-slip faulting, (c) green – normal faulting, and (d) blue – transpression controlling regime, polyphase locations; (e), colours as in (a-d).