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Your search for books returned the following 10864 results.

Showing 81 to 90 of 10864 results

South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary

Product Code: 1317
Series: AAPG Memoirs
Author/Editor: Publisher:
Publication Date: 31 December 2021
£ 275.00
List price: £ 275.00
Fellow's price: £ 206.00
Other societies price: £ 137.00

Southern and Central Mexico: Basement Framework, Tectonic Evolution, and Provenance of Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basins

Product Code: USPE546
Series: GSA Special Papers
Author/Editor: Editors: Uwe C. Martens and Roberto S. Molina Garza
Publication Date: 09 December 2021
£ 46.50
List price: £ 46.50
Fellow's price: £ 32.50

Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic)

Product Code: SP514
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M. Reolid, L.V. Duarte, E. Mattioli and W. Ruebsam
Publication Date: 03 December 2021
£ 150.00
List price: £ 150.00
Fellow's price: £ 75.00
Other societies price: £ 90.00

Introducing Geomorphology: A Guide to Landforms and Processes, 2nd edition

Product Code: MPIGM2
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Adrian Harvey
Publication Date: 25 November 2021
£ 17.00
List price: £ 17.00
Fellow's price: £ 15.00

Stable Isotope Studies of the Water Cycle and Terrestrial Environments

Product Code: SP507
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by: A-V. Bojar, A. Pelc and C. Lécuyer
Publication Date: 09 November 2021
£ 100.00
List price: £ 100.00
Fellow's price: £ 50.00
Other societies price: £ 60.00

Active Volcanoes of China [Book of the month, Sept 2024]

Product Code: SP510
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J. Xu, C. Oppenheimer, J. Hammond and H. Wei
Publication Date: 02 November 2021
£ 34.99
List price: £ 120.00 £ 34.99
Fellow's price: £ 60.00 £ 34.99
Other societies price: £ 72.00 £ 34.99

Forensic Soil Science and Geology

Product Code: SP492
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by R. W. Fitzpatrick and L. J. Donnelly
Publication Date: 28 October 2021
£ 110.00
List price: £ 110.00
Fellow's price: £ 55.00
Other societies price: £ 66.00

Supergiant Lower Cretaceous Pre-Salt Santos Basin

Product Code: 1319
Series: AAPG Memoirs
Author/Editor: Edited by Marcio Rocha Mello, Pinar O. Yilmaz, and Barry J. Katz
Publication Date: 01 October 2021
£ 190.00
List price: £ 190.00
Fellow's price: £ 143.00
Other societies price: £ 95.00

Applications of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs: from Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions to Biostratigraphy

Product Code: SP511
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by F. Marret, J. O’Keefe, P. Osterloff and M. Pound
Publication Date: 30 September 2021
£ 120.00
List price: £ 120.00
Fellow's price: £ 60.00
Other societies price: £ 72.00

The Chalk of the South Downs of Sussex and Hampshire and the North Downs of Kent (Volumes 1 and 2)

Product Code: GA074
Series: GA Guides - print copy
Author/Editor: by Rory N Mortimore
Publication Date: 29 September 2021
£ 27.00
List price: £ 27.00
Fellow's price: £ 21.00

Showing 81 to 90 of 10864 results
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