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This is the first in a series of ‘pointers’ to help authors as their paper moves through the production process. In this issue we’re looking at proof correction.

All authors will receive electronic proofs of articles after we have typeset the manuscript. This applies whether your paper is appearing in one of our book series or in one of our journals. The proofs will be in PDF format and the corresponding editor will be the one notified by email when these proofs are available.

We receive corrections and comments on the proofs in many and varied formats, but if you could use the ‘Comment’ facility in the PDF that will really help in ensuring we correct your article exactly as you intend. In case you’re not familiar with this ‘Comment’ task pane, we’ve put together some brief guidelines outlining what all the various buttons allow you to do. You can find these instructions at Please do take a look! If you can make your corrections in this way, fewer errors will creep in or be missed. Good luck!

Best wishes 

The Production Team