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Your search for books in the Category Palaeoenvironments returned the following 8 results.

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results

Asian Geodynamics, Climate and Biodiversity

Product Code: SP549
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G. Dupont-Nivet, T.N. Jonell, R. Dommain, P.D. Clift
Publication Date: 10 February 2025 (not yet published)

Not yet published

This title will be available to buy as soon as we receive stocks into our warehouse. Please note that the publication date on the listing is an estimate

Cretaceous Project 200, Volume 2: Regional Studies

Product Code: SP545
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M.B. Hart, S.J. Batenburg, T. Huber, G.D. Price, N. Thibault, M. Wagreich, I. Walaszczyk
Publication Date: 10 December 2024 (not yet published)

Not yet published

This title will be available to buy as soon as we receive stocks into our warehouse. Please note that the publication date on the listing is an estimate

Cretaceous Project 200, Volume 1: The Cretaceous World

Product Code: SP544
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M.B. Hart, S.J. Batenburg, B.T. Huber, G.D. Price, N. Thibault, M. Wagreich, I. Walaszczyk
Publication Date: 12 November 2024 (not yet published)

Not yet published

This title will be available to buy as soon as we receive stocks into our warehouse. Please note that the publication date on the listing is an estimate

The Triassic and Jurassic of the Junggar Basin, China: Advances in Palaeontology and Environments

Product Code: SP538
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Jingeng Sha, Sam M. Slater, Vivi Vajda, Paul E. Olsen, Haichun Zhang
Publication Date: 14 February 2024 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 120.00
List price: £ 120.00
Fellow's price: £ 60.00
Other societies price: £ 72.00

A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2

Product Code: SP533
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by T. Servais, D.A.T. Harper, B. Lefebvre, I. G. Percival
Publication Date: 08 June 2023
£ 180.00
List price: £ 180.00
Fellow's price: £ 90.00
Other societies price: £ 108.00

A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 1

Product Code: SP532
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by D.A.T. Harper, B. Lefebvre, I. G. Percival, T. Servais
Publication Date: 07 June 2023
£ 180.00
List price: £ 180.00
Fellow's price: £ 90.00
Other societies price: £ 108.00

Biostratigraphy, Age, and Paleoenvironment of the Pliocene Beaufort Formation on Meighen Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Product Code: USPE551
Series: GSA Special Papers
Author/Editor: Authors: R.W. Barendregt, J.V. Matthews Jr., V. Behan-Pelletier, J. Brigham-Grette, J.G. Fyles, L.E. Ovenden, D.H. McNeil, E. Brouwers, L. Marincovich, N. Rybczynski, and T.L. Fletcher
Publication Date: 08 September 2021
£ 15.50
List price: £ 15.50
Fellow's price: £ 11.00

Terrestrial Conservation Lagerstätten: Windows into the Evolution of Life on Land

Product Code: MPTCL
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: Edited by Nicholas C. Fraser and Hands-Dieter Sues
Publication Date: 14 November 2017
£ 120.00
List price: £ 120.00

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
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