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Sponsor A Fish - Roll of Honour

The Library gratefully acknowledges all those who have donated towards the Sponsor A Fish appeal (those names marked with an * were donations made in memorium or as a gift):

Joseph Allott Conall Mac Niocaill
John Anderson Will MacKenzie
Dermeguel Aparacido Carmo Barry Mapstone
Stuart Baldwin Brian Marker
Michael Bassett David Martill
Mark Biswell Liz McAllister
Tim Bliss Joe McCall
Dr Anthony Booer Alan McKirdy*
Alex  Booer J McLauchlin
Alexandra Booer* Sheila Meredith*
Myles Bowen Oscar Miron
Arnaud Brignon Vivien Morel
Robert Brown William Morgan
Jennifer Brzozowska John Murray
Kevin Burgess Gary Nienow
Carole Burrow Edmund Nickless
Alex Carbray David W. Park*
Richard & Maryla Carter Professor W.S.  Pitcher (1919-2004)*
Lionel Cavin H.P. Powell
Nigel Combley* Kevin Privett
Peter Cooper Peter Ravenscroft
Griff Cordey Eric Rawcliffe
John Cosgrove Garth Raybould
John Cubitt Elizabeth Reed*
John Cunningham* Martin Roberts
Gordon Herries Davies* Janet  Roemmel & Roy Adams
Margaret Dobson David Rogers
Peter Dolan Ian Rolfe
Dr Paul A Doubleday Carl L. Rosen*
Philip Doughty Esther Rosten*
Brenda Ruth Draper* Martin Rudwick
Nadine Edwards Caroline Ryan
Rodney Gadson* H. H. Sami*
Garry Gauss Janette Schubert
Sarah-Jane Gill Martin Shepley
Jim Greenwood* Peter Smith
Dr D. Hallet Anthony Spencer
Margaret Hargrave* Hugh Torrens
Matthew Harvey Sue Turner
Luke Hauser David Twist
John Hemmings* Mrs Ruth Tyers*
Janet Herdman Oscar Miron  Valdespino
Gordon Herries Martin Wadsworth
David Holt (1924-2005)* Vicki Walker
Ashleigh Hood Malcolm Wallace
Chris Johns Arthur Warden
Jeremy Joseph Peter Warren
Michael Kelly Michael Welland
Jim Kennedy Mr & Mrs R. Westwood*
Brian King Derek Whitehouse
Alan Lane Dave Williams
Janet Lane Dr Lawrie Williams (1930-2011)*
Nigel Lee Simon Wills
Matt Lisley Mark Wilson
Stephen Livera* Muriel Woolven*
James Lorsung HOGG 
George Louden DIGGS 
Peter Luff* Land Science Ltd 
Simon Lunn