'GEORAMA or the world at one view', 1846

GSL/L/R/9/256-258 - Secretary's In Letters: Prospectus of the Georama; or the World at one View', [1846].
The first Georama was erected in Paris in 1826 by Charles Delangard. Visitors would enter a forty foot wide sphere, inside of which was painted a representation of the world. A spiral staircase was at the centre, which reached the level of the equator to give spectators the best view of the Earth’s land and oceans. A second Georama was constructed by Charles Langlois and August Guerin on Champs-Élysées in Paris in 1844 where the idea gained traction. Receiving international acclaim as the ideal way to learn about the geography, it created an enthusiasm for more Georamas to be built in other countries.
This is a prospectus issued by an organisation calling themselves the Georama Committee seeking support from the Society for the construction of the attraction in London. Despite its long list of patrons, this particular version of the Georama did not get off the ground but in 1851 James Wyld constructed his own 180 foot wide version in Leicester Square.
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