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Election of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 1844

Brunel p1 GSL/L/R/8/245Secretary's In Letters: from Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 6 December 1844.

The Society has had a number of famous Fellows in its history. This letter concerns the election of the civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) on 4 December 1844. At that time, the process after election involved the new member signing an obligation form agreeing to promote the aims of the Society and to pay a joining fee. The thumbnail figures noted on the front page indicate that Brunel must have been relatively wealthy at this time. Not only did he pay his joining fee of 6 guineas but also 20 years’ worth of annual subscriptions up front, a grand total of £37 6s [c. £2,700 in today’s money]. Brunel did not live to benefit from the full 20 year’s of membership as he died in 1859.
Brunel p2

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