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Ice-Marginal and Periglacial Processes and Sediments

Product Code: SP354
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by I P Martini, H M French and A Perez-Alberti
Publication Date: 07 June 2011
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Understanding the sediments deposited by glaciers or other cold-climate processes assumes enhanced significance in the context of current global warming and the predicted melt and retreat of glaciers and ice sheets.
This volume analyses glacial, proglacial and periglacial settings. Papers include topics such as sedimentation at termini of tidewater glaciers, poorly understood high-mountain features, and slope and aeolian deposits that have been sourced in glacial and periglacial regions and subsequently transported and deposited by azonal processes. Difficulties encountered in inferring Pleistocene and pre-Pleistocene cold-climate conditions when the sedimentary record lacks specific diagnostic indicators are discussed. The main objective of this volume is to establish the validity and limitations of the evidence that is used to achieve reliable palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. On the much longer geological timescale, an understanding of ice-marginal and periglacial environments may better prepare us for the unavoidable reversal towards cooler and perhaps even glacial times in the future.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-327-3
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-327-1
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 296
Weight: 0.9 kg



MARTINI, I. P., FRENCH, H.M. & ALBERTI, A. P. Ice-marginal and periglacial processes and sediments: an introduction

INGÓLFSSON, Ó. Fingerprints of Quaternary glaciations on Svalbard

LØNNE, I.&NEMEC, W. Modes of sediment delivery to the grounding line of a fast-flowing tidewater glacier: implications for ice-margin conditions and glacier dynamics

LØNNE, I.&NEMEC, W. The kinematics of ancient tidewater ice margins: criteria for recognition from grounding-line moraines

LUKAS, S. & SASS, O. The formation of Alpine lateral moraines inferred from sedimentology and radar reflection patterns: a case study from Gornergletscher, Switzerland

PÉREZ ALBERTI, A., DIAZ, M. V., MARTINI, I. P., PASCUCCI, V. & ANDREUCCI, S. Upper Pleistocene glacial valley-junction sediments at Pias, Trevinca Mountains, NW Spain

CARLING, P. A., KNAAPEN, M., BORODAVKO, P., HERGET, J., KOPTEV, I., HUGGENBERGER, P. & PARNACHEV, S. Palaeoshorelines of glacial Lake Kuray–Chuja, south-central Siberia: form, sediments and process

KELLER, M., HINDERER, M.,AL-AJMI, H.&RAUSCH, R. Palaeozoic glacial depositional environments of SW Saudi Arabia: process and product

FRENCH, H. Frozen sediments and previously-frozen sediments

LEVY, J. S., HEAD, J. W. & MARCHANT, D. R. Gullies, polygons and mantles in Martian permafrost environments: cold desert landforms and sedimentary processes during recent Martian geological history

THORN, C. E., DARMODY, R. G. & DIXON, J. C. Rethinking weathering and pedogenesis in alpine periglacial regions: some Scandinavian evidence

GUGLIELMIN, M., FAVERO-LONGO, S. E., CANNONE, N., PIERVITTORI, R. & STRINI, A. Role of lichens in granite weathering in cold and arid environments of continental Antarctic

VANDENBERGHE, J. Periglacial sediments: do they exist?

VAN STEIJN, H. Stratified slope deposits: periglacial and other processes involved

OLIVA,M.& ORTIZ, A. G. Holocene slope dynamics in Sierra Nevada (south Spain). Sedimentological analysis of solifluction landforms and lake deposits

BROOKFIELD, M. E. Aeolian processes and features in cool climates

NEWELL, W. L. & DEJONG, B. D. Cold-climate slope deposits and landscape modifications of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, Eastern USA



Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży

…This book is a combination of good review articles and new research. It can be recommended to libraries and all specialists in glacial sedimentary geology and geomor¬phologists.

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