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7th London Geothermal Symposium
Organised by:
Geological Society Events
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:
Provisional Programme now Available
The UK’s geothermal resources could supply enough low carbon heat for a century. Concerns over increasing global temperatures have led several Local Authorities to declare a climate emergency. This presents an opportunity to progress geothermal projects across the UK. The UK has made significant progress in decarbonising its electricity supplies over the past decade however decarbonising heat remains a significant challenge. UK geothermal could help meet this challenge because it aligns well with current government support for heat networks and will become an increasingly important energy source if the government consultation regarding a moratorium on new gas connections post 2025 is adopted.
More Information
The conference will include a wide range of presentations on deep and shallow geothermal systems for decarbonising heat and power, to include updates on new and existing projects. There will also be presentations on using energy from abandoned mines which is a growing area of interest for heat decarbonisation.
The 7th Symposium will celebrate recent progress in geothermal energy development by including a variety of presentations from local authorities, developers, policy makers, academics and regulators. There will also be opportunities for networking during lunch and coffee breaks.
The Conference programme is now available to download. Please note this might be subject to change.
Abstract Book
The digital abstract book can now be downloaded.
Registration is open.
To register, please either register online, or download the registration form and return to Sarah Woodcock.
Registration rates
£ 70.00
£ 120.00
£ 20.00
£ 35.00