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President's Day 2015

President’s Day at Burlington House on 3 June began with the Annual General Meeting, followed by a buffet lunch with the award winners.

As in previous years, the recipients of the major medals were invited to give a short talk on their subject, and the Awards Ceremony was followed by presentations by the Lyell, Murchison, William Smith and Wollaston medallists.

Talks by Lyell, Murchison and William Smith medallists

Lyell Medal: Colin Ballantyne - Professor, School of Geography and Geosciences, University of St Andrews.

Catastrophic landslides in Scotland and Ireland: timing, causes and implications

Murchison Medal: Geoffrey Wadge - Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

Volcanoes and Radars

William Smith Medal: Anthony Doré OBE
- Senior Advisor to Exploration Management at Statoil

The Arctic, and the dark art of regional geology

Talk by Wollaston Medallist

James Jackson - Professor, Head of Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

Probing the continents: how deep structure affects surface geology

Event Details

Date: 3 June 2014

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London