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Founders' Day

The Society was inaugurated on Friday 13 November 1807 by thirteen gentlemen over dinner at the Freemasons' Tavern, Covent Garden. We celebrate the inauguration of the Society with the Founders' Day Lecture and Dinner.

Please find the resources and videos of past meetings below. 

Founders Day 2013

Founders' Day Lecture 2013

James Parkinson and the Founding of the Geological Society
Speaker: Dr Cherry Lewis

Founders Day 2012

Founders' Day Lecture 2012

Geology at the end of the Earth: exploring Antarctica's green history

  • Professor Jane Francis, University of Leeds
  • Dr Rory Mortimore


Burlington House

The minutes of the meeting on 13 November 1807 show that there were 13 founder members who resolved:

'That there be forthwith instituted a Geological Society for the purpose of making geologists acquainted with each other, of stimulating their zeal, of inducing them to adopt one nomenclature, of facilitating the communications of new facts and of ascertaining what is known in their science and what remains to be discovered.'