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EFG Meeting 2015: Mining in a Crowded Country

EFG Workshop: 11 and 12 June 2015

EFG Council Meeting: 13 and 14 June 2015 (EFG Members ONLY) 

Mining is at the heart of the North of England’s history and development, probably dating back to Roman times. It was here that the steam engine was first widely used on railways, and here that the Davy safety lamp was first demonstrated, alongside that developed by Stephenson. Coal dominates the long history of mining, with lead and more recently fluorspar important in the hills behind Newcastle, and now potash from a deep mine in North Yorkshire. Yet this is a heavily populated region, with differing views about landuse and the acceptability of mining in the 21st Century. This workshop discusses future prospects for mining in the region, and explores in the field the legacy of metal mining in the North Pennines as well as current good practice in meeting modern environmental standards in coal mining.


  • Catherine Miller (President of NEIMME)
  • David Manning (Newcastle University/President of The Geological Society)
  • Paul Younger (University of Glasgow)
  • Graham Clarke (Sirius Minerals)
  • Rick Smith (FWS Consultants Ltd)
  • Stef Kapusniak (SMD Ltd)


Photographs were taken during the EFG workshop and council meeting, to view these, please click here.


  • Edmund Nickless (The Geological Society of London)
  • David Manning (The Geological Society of London/Newcastle University)

This event can be followed on Twitter: @geolsoc @efginfo #efg15

 Northumberlandia  Angel of the North

2015: Year of Mud

Click here to find out more about the GSL's Year of Mud, and other themed events in 2015


Event Details

Date: 11-14 June 2015

Venue: North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineering, Newcastle, UK.



Jess Aries
The Geological Society
Burlington House
Piccadilly, London
United Kingdom

Tel: 020 7432 0983
Fax: 020 7494 0579
Email Jess Aries