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Professor Khin Zaw

Khin ZawProfessor Khin Zaw is Professor of Economic Geology, CODES Centre of Ore Deposits and Earth Sciences, School of Natural Sciences at the University of Tasmania. He is the pre-eminent mineral deposits geologist in South East Asia and has supervised many MSc and PhD dissertations on economic and other Earth science topics, and has participated and organised sessions in numerous conferences in South East Asia.

Professor Khin Zaw has well over 40 years of experience working on genetic aspects of metallic ores and gem deposits in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan and many parts of South East Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore and Malaysia), and has published a high number of papers relating to ore genesis and mineral exploration in the Australasian region.

In order to further the study of the geosciences in Myanmar and to provide a forum and support for Myanmar geoscientists, Professor Khin Zaw with Dr Yin Yin Nwe founded the MAESA (Myanmar Applied Earth Sciences Association) in 2016. MAESA arranges conferences and workshops with the aim of promoting the geosciences and mineral resources of Myanmar and collaboration with foreign geoscientists, mineral companies and geoscience organisations such as this Society.

Professor Khin Zaw studied Geology at the University of Rangoon, graduating in 1968. After obtaining an MSc in 1976 from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, he was appointed to a lectureship at the University of Yangon. However, he incurred the displeasure of the Military Government and was dismissed from his post. Eventually, Professor Khin Zaw was allowed to leave Myanmar with his family to study for a PhD at the University of Tasmania at Hobart, Australia. After obtaining his PhD, Professor Khin Zaw joined the CODES ARC (Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits) group at the University of Tasmania, specialising in the economic geology of South East Asia.