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Professor Patrick De Deckker

Prof Patrick De Deckker

Patrick De Deckker, Belgian by birth and Australian by naturalisation, is one of Australia’s most distinguished Earth scientists.

Having graduated in Australia in 1971 he worked briefly in Europe before returning to Australia to carry out research and subsequently spent most of his career at the Australian National University in Canberra including time as Head of the former Department of Geology. Patrick recently took early retirement to focus on research on past Quaternary climates in the Australian region.

Patrick was awarded a PhD in Zoology from the University of Adelaide in 1981 and a DSc by the same institution in Geology in 2002, but his contribution to Australian and international Earth science is more accurately reflected by his publication list of c.200 publications in refereed journals and 7 edited volumes, in the fields of Micropalaeontology and the chemical composition of microfossils, Limnology especially of salt lakes, Aeolian Dust and Airborne Deposits and in Palaeoceanography.

Patrick holds the Verco Medal, Royal Society of South Australia, 1992; Australian Society for Limnology Medal, 2005; Order of Australia Medal, 2007; Christoffel Plantin Medal, 2008; Mawson Medal of Australian Academy of Sciences, 2010. Patrick became a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2012.

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