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Dr Sadrack Felix Toteu

ToteuDr Toteu spent most of his scientific career at the Centre for Geological and Mining Research in Cameroon, while visiting from time to time universities in Europe and USA. From 2007, he visited a few universities in southern Africa (Botswana, Cape Town and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan in Port Elizabeth) before joining UNESCO in 2010 as the Earth Sciences Specialist of the Nairobi office.

He served as the Vice President (2001-2004) and President (2004-2008) of the Geological Society of Africa for Central Africa. He is Deputy Secretary General for Africa of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World and was a Member of the Board of the International Year of Planet Earth. He is also served as a Member of the Nominating Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (2008-2011).

Dr Toteu is an experienced international scientist and an accomplished scientific diplomat on behalf of African Earth Science. He has made substantial contributions to knowledge of the chronostratigraphy of the Pan-African Belt, both within and beyond Cameroon, ore deposits in Central Africa and is a leading scientist on the Tectonic Map of Africa.

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