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Dr Markku Iljina

Dr Markku Juhani Iljina

Dr Iljina is the founder of Markku Iljina GeoConsulting Oy. He is an exploration geologist with extensive experience of Fennoscandian geology, specialising in gold, nickel, copper, vanadium, chrome, tungsten, and PGM mineral deposits. He has a broad palate of mineral exploration activities over more than 30 years and has published widely on the results of this work and continues to do so. 

Dr Iljina has played a major role in the reorganisation and development of professional bodies. Initially this was in his home country of Finland where he played a lead role in the reorganisation of the Finnish technical and professional bodies that represent geologists so as to properly allow professional geologists to be recognised for their technical and professional abilities. 

During his time as a Council member of the European Federation of Geologists, over a period of about 10 years, he has provided support and understanding of the aspirations of the Geological Society for EFG and supported it in all related professional matters. He is a Board member in FAMMP (Fennoscandian Association for Minerals and Metals Professionals), and is their representative in PERC.