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Training Course Committee

The Training Course Committee reports to the Professional and Chartership Committee.


  • Develop the Society as one of the leading bodies for geoscience training courses in the UK;
  • Support the Society’s key scientific themes, which are: Energy Transition; Geohazards, Geoengineering & Georesilience; Climate & Ecology; Planetary Science; and Digital Geoscience;
  • Align with, and support the aims and activities of the P&CC and the work of the Chartership Officer and Accreditation Officer;
  • Encourage uptake in membership to the Society and increase in Chartership numbers; and
  • Strive to be inclusive and draw on a diverse group of speakers for courses.


  • To establish a strategy for the development of training course programmes for geoscientists;
  • Provide a range of affordable training courses to Fellows and non-Fellows to support their learning, career development and continued professional development (CPD);
  • Courses should be available to geoscientists at various stages of their career, although primarily focused on those working towards or maintaining their Chartership, and those seeking to expand their knowledge on current advances in geosciences;
  • To manage the endorsement of training courses; endorsing both the Society’s in-house courses and courses from outside agencies; and
  • Increase awareness of the Society to non-Fellows by expanding training opportunities to more geoscientists outside the Fellowship

Structure and Membership

Chair (Trustee of the Society)

Vice Chair (Trustee of the Society)

Committee Members: A minimum of six further members shall make up the Committee, either drawn from Council or Fellowship; 

GSL Staff, in attendance:

- Senior Training Course and Event Manager (STCEM);
- Chartership Officer – on an as needs basis; and
- Director of Finance & Operations – on an as needs basis.

Method of working

The TCC aims to meet 6 times a year by Zoom for a virtual meeting. Face-to-face meetings are not necessary but may be arranged on an as needs basis. The STCEM will issue a meeting schedule at the start of each year. The Committee will report to the Professional & Chartership Committee.

The Committee will have a 3 year term of volunteers.

Committee Members


  • Mr Ben Lepley

Committee Members

  • Dr Rose Clarke
  • Mr Christopher Jack
  • Mr Mike Rogers
  • Mr James Preston
  • Dr Colin Serridge
  • Dr Fiona Todd
  • Ms Liz Withington

Staff Members

  • Ms Jo Berry (Training Course Lead)
  • Ms Elisha McCowan (Events Co-ordinator)
  • Dr Eleanor Williams (Chartership Officer)