Event type:
Chartership, Virtual event
Organised by:
Geological Society Events
Date, time and location
This event will take place on 21 January 2025 at 4.30pm (GMT).
This is an online event, which will be held on Zoom.
Event overview
The Geological Society of London is the recognised UK professional body for geoscientists across all areas of expertise. It awards the professional title of Chartered Geologist (CGeol) and is licensed by the Science Council to award the title of Chartered Scientist (CSci).
Accreditation as a Chartered Geologist or Chartered Scientist is a sign to clients, regulators, employers and the general public that you are a competent professional who can demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills and experience, and signifies a public commitment to these professional standards.
Find out more about our Chartership programme.
We are hosting this Chartership Q&A event to provide candidates who are submitting their Chartership application via the 20+ years' experience route to find out more about the recent changes to the Chartership Regulations and the application process. The regulations can be found here and here and a guidance note for candidates is here.
We also welcome anyone who is a nominated Supporter to attend, to make sure they are up to date on the requirements for Chartership and the current application process.
If you are new to Chartership, we recommend our other Chartership events, which include a presentation by the Chartership Officer.
Registration and fees
This event is free to attend and is available to Fellows and non-Fellows. Delegates will receive joining instructions when they register for the event.
To register, please click here.
Please email [email protected] with any enquiries.