Figure 7 Image of the core-segment of the Yaxcopoil-1 drill hole that represents the transition from impact to post-impact rocks. Smit (306-325) and Keller (K1-K21) have analyzed samples labeled. The red labels indicate the samples shown in figure 5a, from similar levels as those analyzed by Keller (green labels) and claimed by Keller to be rich in foraminifers. As can be clearly seen on figure 5a, no cross-sections of foraminifers are visible.
The interval 793.85-794.11m is uncontested Paleocene micritic hemipelagic wackestone, rich in Paleocene foraminifers. The interval 794.11-794.19m represents a hardground, strongly burrowed. The interval 794.19-794.60m represents cross-bedded and parallel-bedded sandstones, mainly composed of dolomite rhombs as can be seen in figres5a-c.
5. Keller et al.'s conclusions - numbered comment on each
The age of the oldest Chicxulub impact ejecta spherule layer in NE Mexico predates the K/T boundary by 300,000 years.
- Evidence includes multiple spherule layers with the oldest one near the base of zone CF1, which spans the last 300 kyr of the Maastrichtian
1) These extra layers are all anomalous and discontinuous, and can be deposited in a time span of<10years
- The spherule layers are interbedded in undisturbed bedded marls of the Mendez Formation, which reveals the age of deposition
2) These Mendez beds are not undisturbed.
- Spherule layers are correlatable over great distances
3) Even the so-called basal original layer cannot be correlated over more than ten metres.
- The stratigraphically lowest and oldest spherule layer consists of almost pure spherules and only rare clasts, which indicates rapid deposition after the impact and no significant bottom currents
4) The 'lowest' layer is highly variable in composition, and differs from outcrop to outcrop.
- Subsequent spherule layers contain variable amounts of reworked clasts indicating erosion and re-deposition
5) Erosion and redeposition should be expected from large tsunami waves, or tsunami triggered gravity flows, and are not an argument pro or con.
- The absence of major tectonic disturbance, including major slumps, faults or fluidised sediments
6) The slumps and fluidisation of the topmost Mendez beds are there for all to see, in all localities with 'multiple layers' or oversteepened channel walls.
- The stratigraphically highest and youngest spherule layer occurs just below the siliciclastic deposit and is known as spherule unit 1. It contains the most abundant reworked shallow water debris and mud clasts, indicating transport from shallow shelf areas
7) Backwash from a tsunami wave, or from a tsunami triggered gravity flow (turbidite) is expected to bring shallow water debris.
- A sandy limestone layer within spherule unit 1 indicates that deposition occurred in two phases separated by hemipelagic deposition
8) Nonsense. The 'Sandy limestone layer', or calcarenite, is current transported sandstone, not hemipelagic sediment.
- The K/T boundary, Ir anomaly and mass extinction occurs above the siliciclastic deposit and represents the true K/T impact event
9) The iridium anomaly occurs in the top of the clastic beds, not above. The mass-extinction coincides with the deposition of the clastic beds, because there are no Cretaceous hemipelagic beds above the clastic beds.
This hypothesis was designed to explain the presence siliciclastic deposit between the K/T boundary above it and the Chicxulub spherule ejecta below. This hypothesis is invalid for many reasons, but the major ones include:
There are various horizons of bioturbation within units 1, 2 and 3 of the siliciclastic deposit, which indicate repeated colonization of the ocean floor during sedimentation and hence rules out a tsunami deposition event.
10) Units 1 is devoid of burrows, unit two contains only the one questionable 'burrow' shown by Keller, which can be explained, because it is so unclear, by various other mechanisms (e.g. as a flame structure). The various levels of bioturbation at unit 3 can all be explained by one colonization episode after deposition of the clastic beds
- There are various fine-grained layers, often bioturbated within unit 3 that indicate normal hemipelagic sedimentation alternating with rapid deposition
11) These layers are all silty, and different in texture from the underlying Mendez and overlying Velasco hemipelagic marls, that represents the normal hemipelagic sedimentation in eastern Mexico
- Two bentonite layers in unit 3 are correlatable across NE Mexico and indicate periods of volcanic influx and normal deposition
12) That evidence solely rests on the occurrence of zeolites, not an unequivocal volcanic indicator. Those layers in unit 3 are also very different from the many true bentonites that occur in the Mendez. It is no surprise to find volcanic material in the clastic layers reworked from those benthonites.
- A sandy limestone layer within spherule unit 1 is burrowed and also indicates a period of hemipelagic deposition
13) One burrow does not make a ?bioturbation?, and the ?sandy limestone (=calcarenite) is certainly not hemipelagic
- The age of the Chicxulub impact breccia at Yax-1 predates the K/T boundary
Critical evidence is in the 50cm interval between the impact breccia and the K/T boundary and includes the presence of:
Low energy laminated micrites and dolomitic limestones between the impact breccia and the K/T boundary.
14) This micrite (=usually nanofossil ooze) does not exist, and the sandstone textures do not imply low-energy.
- Four thin layers of glauconite formation within this interval that indicates very low sedimentation over a very long time (l05 yrs)
15) The glauconite particles are texturally very similar to the bubbly altered tektites from all over the Gulf of Mexico, and not a unique indicator of shallow water environments.
- Bioturbation within these sediments that indicates an active bottom dwelling fauna during deposition.
16) Bioturbation is restricted to the interval 794.11-794.19m, and indicates a hardground at level 794.11, indicating indeed missing time!
Late Maastrichtian planktic foraminiferal assemblages of zone CF1, indicative of deposition during the last 300Ka, similar to NE Mexico.
17) Plummerita hantkeninoides, the index for CF1, is extremely rare in normal foraminiferal associations, and can be distinguished from Rugoglobigerina by its delicate spines. Even in well-preserved material it would be a miracle that the spines are visible in thin section, let al.one in this dolomitic sand.
- Palaeomagnetic chron 29r that marks the last 500Ka of the Maastrichtian.
18) No argument. All possible events occur in chron 29R
- Carbon isotope values characteristic of late Maastrichtian sediments and without evidence of erratic changes that would indicate reworking.
19) I question this interpretation. Carbon isotope values are from either the dolomite crystals, or from the well-crystallized interstitial diagenetic calcite.
- Absence of impact breccia clasts, or reworked clasts from lithologies below the impact breccia.
20) The glauconite pellets are from the impact breccias.
- Absence of reworked fossils from older sediments.
21) Arz et al. found Albian fossils
- Absence of high-energy deposition, backwash, slumps, crater infill.
22) Those cross-bedded and parallel-bedded sandstones are high-energy deposits
- Absence of Cheto smectite that would indicate presence of altered impact glass.
23) Impact glass does not necessarily alter to cheto-smectite.
All of these arguments raised by Keller et al. can be easily countered.
But Keller et al. do not have an answer on the fact that in coal swamp deposits over the entire US western Interior a clay layer with iridium, shocked quartz and shocked zircon with Chicxulub characteristics, lies directly on top of a layer with spherules identical to those spherules in the Gulf of Mexico even Keller et al. consider as derived from Chicxulub.
To squeeze 300kyr between those two amalgamated layers in all Western Interior outcrops requires a bizarre miracle.
Therefore, the K/T boundary impact and the Chicxulub impact solidly remain one and the same.
Read this page on Jan Smit's website
Ekdale, A. A. and W. Stinnesbeck (1998). Palaios 13(6): 593-602.
Keller, G., W. Stinnesbeck, et al. (1994). "Age, deposition and Biotic effects of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event at Mimbral, NE Mexico." Palaios 9: 144-157.
Schulte, P., 2003, The Cretaceous-Paleogene transition and Chicxulub impact ejecta in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Paleoenvironments, sequence stratigraphic setting and target lithologies [PhD thesis]: University of Karlsruhe, 204 p.
Smit, J., T. B. Roep, et al. (1996). Geol. Soc. of Amer. Sp. Pap. 307: 151-182.