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Strictly (Mining) Boardroom – Volume II

dftuWhere to start?  Attention should be on the fact that the subtitle has DIRECTORS in capitals.  This book of personal reflections and views is aimed at those in the mining sector who are on a career path that will result in their becoming senior directors in mining companies.  It therefore is not big on geological detail, but does look at the economics and operations of businesses in relation to mining activities.

The authors are Australian and the focus of attention is on the Australian mining sector; so there is a significant amount of information relating to Australia and much less on international mining, but all in the context of how you might plan and run a mining enterprise.  So the focus on Australia is not a distraction for the reader.

The book is a collection of articles tackling a very wide range of topics. Generally, it is very easy to read.  Although some parts require a better understanding of elements of economics than I have, the target audience should be familiar with them. 

Initial sections cover what the Board of a mining operation should look like – what skills and competencies make a good Board. It looks at the roles and responsibilities of Boards, and the authors provide suggestions and recommendations throughout as to how the status quo that exist in the industry may be challenged and improved.

An interesting chapter looking to the future for mining justifies improving the gender balance at Board level (and throughout the industry).  There are also three scenarios looking at how global mining will develop up to 2040, from somewhat bleak to positive (from a private mining company’s perspective).   

Throughout the book, the need to maintain exploration at a high level is discussed and addressed from many different angles.  Operating and maintain existing assets is covered, but to a lesser degree.   Finally, the book provides an insight into mineral economics, and finance, policy and regulation.  The latter in particular poses challenging questions to those who might be responsible for developing national mining policy.

There is surprisingly little on the challenges the industry faces relating to legacy issues and environmental degradation, two of the largest issues that new and old mining face in the future.

An interesting book, a good introduction to the mining sector and no doubt a useful guide for future ‘DIRECTORS’.

Reviewed by James Montgomery

STRICTLY (MINING) BOARDROOM – VOLUME II : A Practitioners Guide for Next Generation DIRECTORS by ALLEN TRENCH & JOHN SYKES. 2016. Published by : Major Street Publishing Pty Ltd. 294pp (ppk). ISBN : 9780994542410. Online Price Aus $ 34.95.  W: