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Granites: Petrology, Structure, Geological Setting and Metallogeny by Nedelec and Bouchez

sdthtyGranites and granitic rocks (with their associated magmatism) are the signature components that characterise the growth and evolution of the (upper) continental crust. Presented in 14 successive chapters, this volume systematically covers the major aspects of the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry, petrogenesis, physical and structural nature, and economic characteristics of these important crustal rocks.

The significant features of granites are described and defined by a modern, multidisciplinary approach. The key details and arguments associated with the major topics in granite geology are presented within the context of their tectonic framework, geological setting and (more broadly) in relation to Earth evolution and plate tectonics. The authors have managed to successfully integrate information from a wide variety of data sources to produce a comprehensive and current synthesis on the geology of granite.

Developed from the original French edition1 the text in each chapter is clearly and concisely written and edited, with this reviewer encountering only occasional and minor translational / contextual errors. The text is presented with numerous and appropriate data-tables, graphs and excellently drafted black and white line diagrams, maps and photographs. Most chapters are additionally supplemented by several ‘Information Box’ inserts that provide more detail on specific topics that underpin and inform the arguments presented in the corresponding main text. This approach enables the reader to build a greater appreciation of the topic if required and effectively augments the principal textual content. The volume also includes a concise and useful glossary of specific granite-related terminology and an extensive (with over 350 entries) and comprehensive reference list.

The anticipated audience is expected to be broad-based, appealing to both an academic and general science readership. The book will be a valuable reference work for advanced undergraduate Earth Science courses in igneous geology, mineralogy and geochemistry and economic / ore geology. Post-graduate academic and industry-based geoscientific researchers will undoubtedly find the volume to be a modern and thorough introductory text to the geology of granite.

The authors, translator and publishers are to be congratulated on producing a welcome, authoritative and insightful contribution to the literature on granite. A recommended (and affordable) read!


  1. Editions Vuibert. 2011. Pétrologie des Granites – Structure – Cadres géologique. Paris 2011.

Reviewed by Mark Griffin


Anne Nédélec, Jean-Luc Bouchez and Peter Bowden. Oxford University Press. 2015. ISBN 978-0-19-870561-1. Hbk. 352pp. List Price: £49.99,