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Forensic Seismology and Nuclear Test Bans

tuForensic seismology is the application of seismology to nuclear test ban verification – to answer the question: ‘Is the detected seismic activity earthquake or explosion generated?’ This volume documents the 50-year development of the discipline of forensic seismology and the associated methods of seismic data analysis.

Presented in 10 chapters (and 14 appendices, including exercises in seismic data analysis with their solutions available on-line), the volume extensively covers the major topics of seismic magnitude estimation, travel-time paths and epicentres; seismic signal processing and the use of seismometer arrays. Each chapter is appropriately illustrated with figures and data-tables, and seismograms from explosions and earthquakes, demonstrating the methods (and associated problems) of their visual analysis and interpretation. The exercises linked to each chapter allow the reader to engage with the key concepts covered and apply the analytical techniques introduced to particular problems.

As a leading UK researcher in the field for over 35 years, the author has produced a robust account of the development of the field predominantly based upon the results of the UK research programme and the interaction of this with the complementary programme developed in the USA. This reviewer found the sections describing the historical context of the development of this relatively ‘new’ discipline of particular interest, with the associated geopolitical imperatives driving the progress of the science concisely explained and outlined.

By necessity the volume incorporates a significant mathematical component / content that some general (or non-quantitatively minded) readers may initially find off-putting. However, the mathematical basis underpinning each of the key concepts is clearly provided as they are introduced. This allows the reader a full and appropriate understanding / appreciation of the geophysical data and models presented, and how they have been applied to forensic seismology.

As a key reference volume, the primary audience is anticipated to be practising academic researchers and allied specialists within the field (and the geophysics of Earth structure in general), but will also prove valuable to advanced undergraduate geoscience students and postgraduate researchers in seismology and solid earth geophysics.

Reviewed by Mark Griffin

Alan Douglas. Cambridge University Press. 2013.
ISBN 978-1-107-03394-8. hbk 514pp.
List Price: £80.00