The Accreditation Panel has recently accredited (and in some cases, re-accredited) the following programmes since the beginning of the year, writes Colin Scrutton, Accreditation Officer.
Geoscientist 18.9 September 2008
- University of Exeter, Camborne School of Mines
BSc Applied Geology
BSc Engineering Geology & Geotechnics
- University of Portsmouth, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
BSc Geology
BSc Palaeobiology & Evolution
BSc Geological Hazards
BEng Engineering Geology & Geotechnics (with/without sandwich year)
- University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences
BSc Geology
MEarthSci Geology
BSc Geology & Physical Geography
MEarthSci Geology & Physical Geography
- University of Liverpool, Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences
MSci Geology and Physical Geography
- King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Faculty of Earth Sciences
BSc Engineering Geology
BSc Environmental Geology
BSc Geophysics
BSc Hydrogeology
BSc Mineral Resources & Rocks
BSc Petroleum Geology & Sedimentology
BSc Structural Geology & Remote Sensing