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Nominations for Council

kljWould you consider standing for election to Council? If so, we would like to hear from you writes Edmund Nickless (Executive Secretary).

Are you willing to contribute to the work of the Society not only by becoming a member of Council and one of its standing committees but also by serving on working groups and undertaking particular tasks between meetings?  Whatever your background and expertise in geoscience, membership of Council enables you to influence the role of the Society in acting as a respected voice, serving society and the geoscience profession.

Each of Council’s 23 members is a Society Trustee.  The trustees are the Council, accountable to Fellows and other stakeholders and regulators, such as the Charity Commission.  The prime responsibility of trustees is to oversee the affairs of the Society and to act prudently in the management of its financial resources. 


Council meets five times a year, usually on a Wednesday.  Four take place in the afternoon (14.00-17.00).  Papers are circulated a week in advance.  There is also a two-day residential meeting in late September beginning on the afternoon of the first day and finishing mid-afternoon of the following day.  Its purpose is to allow Council to discuss issues such as strategy, business planning and so on. 

All Council members also serve on one standing committee – Science & External Relations (to which Science Committee and External Relations Committee report), Publications & Information, Finance & Planning and Professional.   Standing committees usually meet in person quarterly - though some have developed the practice of having three in-person and one virtual meeting. 

From time to time, all standing committees may establish short-lived working groups, which could impose a further call on the time of Council members; but in agreeing to stand for Council you should think of a time commitment of eight to 10 days annually (for ordinary members of Council).

By being elected to Council and by serving on a standing committee you will be able to play an active role in the formulation and delivery of the Society's scientific and professional strategy; help facilitate the communication of new scientific findings; foster engagement with and translation of knowledge and expert advice to society, policy makers and government, and the certification of good practice in the geoscience professions and in geoscience teaching.


With this month’s print Geoscientist Fellows have received two nomination forms - one for the election of new Council members and the other for President Designate.  Details of the nomination process are given on the forms (and also in the ‘Governance’ section of the website).  Nominations must be received no later than noon on Friday, 9 January 2015 and will NOT be valid unless they are fully completed, signed and accompanied by a statement from the nominee.

  • Please return to Prof Alan Lord, c/o Executive Secretary, The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG.