The last 530 million years are a bit of a blip, really, say geologists
Geoscientist Online Monday 7 September 2009
The Earth has supported an active biosphere for at least the past 3500 million years, but the obvious fossil record is limited to just the last 530Ma. This Phanerozoic record documents a wealth of large scale (macro)evolutionary patterns, such as mass extinction and adaptive radiation, and sheds important light on the functioning and potential fate of the modern biosphere. Nick Butterfield (Cambridge University) told the British Science Association meeting in Guildford today: “Not only is the present the key to the past, but the past can be the key to the present. In this seemingly uniformitarian light, the macroecological and macroevolutionary "rules" of the Phanerozoic have commonly been extrapolated uncritically into the much deeper, pre-Cambrian record. “
Study of the pre-Cambrian fossil record over the past few decades has yielded a wealth of prokaryotic and eukaryotic fossils, but the emerging patterns differ fundamentally from those of the Phanerozoic. Prior to about 630Ma, not only were all organisms effectively microscopic, but diversity appears to have been fundamentally lower - and evolutionary turnover fundamentally slower - than at any time since. The principal picture is one of profound evolutionary stasis - and no measurable extinction - over hundreds of millions of years.
All this changed with the onset of the Ediacaran, which begins with the first measurable biotic “radiation” in the whole of the fossil record, followed closely by the appearance and relatively rapid turnover of Ediacaran macrofossils, the first sedimentary trace fossils and the first biomineralized macrofossils. The Ediacaran marks a fundamental shift towards macroevolutionary patterns typical of the Phanerozoic.
No shortage of hypotheses have been put forward to explain the shift of evolutionary dynamics at the beginning of the Ediacaran; but most of these (e.g., Snowball Earth, meteorite impact, global oxygen increase) fail to provide a proximal explanation for the observed phenomena, according to Butterfield. He believes instead that the key innovation was the evolution of Eumetazoa - diploblastic and triploblastic animals with a differentiated gut and nervous system - and their unique impact on ecology and evolution.