Geoscientist Online 18.5.2007
A packed lecture theatre heard Glen Cayley (Vice President; Shell Global Exploration) deliver the fifth lecture in the Shell London Lecture Series for the general public. Dawne Riddle was there…
Society President Richard Fortey, introducing the lecturer, set the scene:
"We must all be aware by now that, alongside global warming is another approaching crisis - one even more certain and equally pressing, whose consequences, if we do not act now, could be every bit as severe. I mean of course the world's looming "energy gap", between our projected energy needs and our ability to fulfil them.
"A recent multidisciplinary meeting, organised last year by The Geological Society, concluded that ensuring the lights stay on is going to take everything we've got – conservation, renewables, nuclear, new sources of fossil energy and existing hydrocarbons. Our lecture this evening, Fuelling the Future tackles this serious problem."