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Society News

Trustees of The Geological Society of London 2018-2019

kljhEvery year following elections the Trustees list of the Society, printed on the magazine's masthead, changes.  This event usually goes unremarked, but this year we thought we would give the event greater prominence by repeating the new list of Council and Officers here in Society News.  

Trustees give greatly of their time and effort in representing the Fellowship, and surely deserve a vote of thanks.

  • Prof Nicholas Rogers (President, pictured right)
  • Mr Thomas Backhouse
  • Mr Andrew Bloodworth
  • Mr John Booth (Vice President)
  • Dr Jason Canning
  • Ms Lesley Dunlop
  • Mr Graham Goffey (Treasurer)
  • Dr Sarah Gordon (Secretary, Foreign & External Affairs)
  • Prof James Griffiths
  • Ms Naomi Jordan
  • Prof Chris King
  • Dr Robert Larter
  • Dr Bryne Ngwenya
  • Dr Colin North (Secretary, Publications)
  • Dr Sheila Peacock
  • Mr Nicholas Reynolds (Vice President)
  • Prof Katherine Royse (Secretary, Professional Matters)
  • Mr Keith Seymour (Vice President)
  • Miss Jessica Smith
  • Dr Helen Smyth
  • Prof Robin Strachan
  • Mr John Talbot (Vice President)
  • Dr Alexander Whittaker (Secretary, Science)

Find out more about each Trustee through their biographies.

Future meetings:  Council & OGMs

OGMS:  2018: 4 July, 18 September, 28 November  
     2019: 6 February, 3 April

COUNCIL: 2018 4 July, 18 & 19 Sept (residential), 28 November  
 2019: 6 February, 3 April

Awards 2019 – make your nominations!

Fellows of the Society are encouraged to submit nominations for the Society’s Awards for 2019 to the Awards Committee.    

Full details of how to make nominations are on the Awards and Grants page.    

Nominations must be received at the Society no later than 28 September 2018Stephanie Jones