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Accreditation news

SaundersAndy.jpgThe Accreditation Committee is pleased to announce the recent accreditation of two postgraduate programmes, writes Andy Saunders

The programmes are:

  • The NERC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Oil and Gas Training Academy Programme, run from the School of Energy, Geoscience Infrastructure and Society at Heriot-Watt University on behalf a consortium of UK universities, NERC research centres, and industrial partners. 
  • The MSc in Structural Geology and Geophysics, offered by the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.

While you are here….. Like the Science Committee, the Accreditation Committee is seeking new members.  The Committee oversees the accreditation of Geoscience degrees in the UK and overseas.  Members are asked to attend around three meetings a year (usually in Burlington House), are responsible for formulating accreditation criteria, and ensuring that degree programmes meet the requirements for accreditation.

Normally, members are experienced geoscientists based in education, industry or public-sector bodies. Please send your expression of interest and a brief biography (300 words) to the Accreditation Officer, Andy Saunders E: [email protected].