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Affiliate Scheme Relaunch

Summerhayes.jpgAs business needs change, our CA Scheme must evolve.  So, in October the Society re-launched it, introducing a credit system allowing our supporters to choose how they use an allocation of 250 credits each year on information services or room hire.  This will be in addition to the many existing benefits that Corporate Affiliates currently enjoy, including discounted conference attendance, copies of Geoscientist and significant recognition both on our website and at Burlington House.  

The Society will monitor how allocations are used and will send each Corporate Affiliate a quarterly statement, together with a newsletter reporting on significant developments at the Society, and future events. 

We hope that this new arrangements will better meet our Corporate Affiliates’ business needs, whether by helping them to find Earth science-related material by using our information services, searching for maps, or by using Burlington House for meetings or corporate events.