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  1. Stubblefield, C J 1970 Darashaw Nosherwan Wadia 1883-1969 Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society 16: 543-562
  2. West, W D 1965 D N Wadia – Commemorative Volume Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India Feb: 1-9
  3. Wadia, D N 1928 Geology of the Poonch State (Kashmir) and adjacent portions of the Punjab Mem Geol Soc India 51 (2), 185-370
  4. Thakur, V C 2003 Research contributions of D N Wadia Resonance 8: 65-75
  5. Khan, M A , Treloar, P J , Searle, M P and Jan, M O 2000 Tectonics of the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis and the Western Himalaya Geological Society Special Publication 170: 485 pp
  6. Vigyan Prasar (undated) Darashaw Nosherwan Wadia Pioneer of Geological Investigations in India (http://www vigyanprasar gov in/scientists/DNWadia htm)
  7. Mrs Meher D N Wadia 1966 Minerals of India Edited by D N Wadia National Book Trust, New Delhi, 199 pp
  8. Wadia, D N 1943 Minerals’ share in the war Science 98: 351-356
  9. Wadia, D N 1963 The Himalaya Mountains: Their age, origin and sub-crustal relations Meghnad Saha Lecture, National Institute of Sciences of India, New Delhi 17 pp
  10. Jhingran, A G (Ed ) Dr D N Wadia Commemorative Volume Mining, Geological & Metallurgical Institute of India 833 pp
  11. Wadia, D N 1966 Geology of India Sixth Edition Macmillan, London 536 pp (first edition 1919)