François Robida, Deputy Head of Division, Information Systems and Technologies at the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, France, says: “Today you can go to the OneGeology website and get geological maps from across the globe — from an overview of our entire planet, to larger scale maps of the rocks of individual nations. You also have the ability to hop from this web site to higher resolution applied maps and data on linked national web sites. Participating nations are contributing to a legacy for humankind; by acting locally they are thinking globally”.
Unfortunately information about the Earth’s rocks is not always up-to-date, joined-up, and in some parts of the world is not available at all! This was the challenge that OneGeology project set out to tackle, and the scientists who did it will be unveiling the the results of their work at the 33rd International Geological Congress in Oslo, Norway on 6 August 2008. Launching the event will also be the International Year’s Good Will Ambassador, best-selling author Simon Winchester FGS.