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Plate tectonic stories competition

ggTo celebrate the 50th birthday of plate tectonics and the launch of our new Plate Tectonic Stories web resource, why not get involved in our Plate Tectonic Stories competition? writes Amy Ball*

To enter our competition we are inviting you to create something that brings plate tectonics to life and demonstrates some of the processes involved. As it’s a key topic in both science and geography national curricula, we particularly want primary, secondary and 6th Form teachers and students to participate.

Students could create projects inspired by plate boundaries, volcanoes, earthquakes and seismic waves, mountain-building, people and natural hazards, the structure of the Earth, heat transfer, radioactivity, Earth materials… whatever they find most interesting. We want imaginative and inventive entries - so students could construct models of a continental rifts or subduction zones, bake volcanoes, produce animations explaining earthquakes, research projects on their favourite plate boundary, build and test their own seismographs, design plate tectonics puzzles or games: it’s really up to them!

Each teacher entering a class’s work will receive an A1-sized educational poster on plate tectonics for their classroom (picture), as well as the chance to win up to £150-worth of Earth science books for their school! 

All entries must be received by 30 April 2018. To find out more about the competition and seeing plate tectonic resources for classroom use, please visit W:

* Amy Ball is Education Officer at the Geological Society. E: [email protected]