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New Honorary Fellows

Following a proposal from the Awards Committee, Council recommends two candidates for election to Honorary Fellowship at a future Ordinary General Meeting. Fellows may nominate candidates for Honorary Fellowship at any time. To find out how to do this, please go to honoraryfellowship.

Professor Maria Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta

Professor Aguirre-Urreta is a leading Argentine specialist on Charles Darwin’s geological researches in Argentina. She has collaborated in research for over 25 years with Professor Rawson FGS both in Argentina and the UK, and particularly in relation to fundamental studies of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. This was significantly supported by two major research grants from The British Council. Professor Aguirre-Urreta spent six months at University College London in 1988, and has made frequent return visits to the UK. She has published in the Geological Society’s Special Publication 252 (on the Neuquén Basin) and served as a guest editor of Special Issue 42 of Geological Journal, and is an active contributor to several working groups of the International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy and was a voting member of the Subcommission for nine years.

Professor Sadrack Félix Toteu

Professor Toteu is the Director of the UNESCO office in Nairobi. He served as the Vice President (2001-2004) and President (2004-2008) of the Geological Society of Africa for Central Africa. He is Deputy Secretary General for Africa of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World and was a Member of the Board of the International Year of Planet Earth. He is also a Member of the Nominating Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences. Professor Toteu is an experienced international scientist and an accomplished scientific diplomat on behalf of African Earth Science. He has made substantial contributions to knowledge of the chronostratigraphy of the Pan-African Belt, both within and beyond Cameroon, ore deposits in Central Africa and is a leading scientist on the Tectonic Map of Africa.