
Mining & Quarrying

Geologists and engineers are employed in the search for and production of mineral resources. Mineral Exploration, mining and industrial minerals companies employ geologists, geophysicists and engineers. Mining and exploration consultancy companies also employ a similar set of geologists and engineers.

Mining and minerals exploration usually refers to operations that search for and extract minerals that can be processed to produce metals such as iron, copper, gold and zinc in addition to other essential elements such as phosphorus (used in fertilisers). Industrial minerals companies also explore for and extract minerals that are used in their largely unprocessed form. This includes resources extracted by quarrying including aggregates (sand and gravel), slate and limestone and those extracted by more complex mining methods such as clays and gypsum.

Kalgoorlie Superpit Gold Mine, Australia

Roles & Career Profiles

The types of roles geoscientists may undertake in a mining and minerals company or consultancy include:

Resource or Economic Geologist

Mine Geologist

Exploration Geologist

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Exploration Manager

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Exploration Geophysicist

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Vice President, Geosciences

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Remote Sensing Geologist

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Geoscience Areas

These roles require a diverse set of geological knowledge and skills.

Some of the areas of geology that those in the mining and minerals industry utilise include:

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