A levels: Geology, Geography, Biology
BSc Hons in Geology from the University of Edinburgh
MSc in International Business.
What exactly does an Exploration Manager do?
Plans and executes near-mine exploration programmes with the objective of adding resources to the existing mine reserves. Leads a team of three geologists, plus field crew, with an emphasis on mapping, target definition and drilling.
Apart from formal qualifications, what other skills or characteristics do you need?
Enthusiasm, drive, persistence, organisational and good interpersonal skills.
What sort of organisation do you work for? Who else employs exploration managers?
I work for a large, diversified mining group. Most companies with operating mines will employ staff to explore for more near-mine resources.
If this wasn’t your first job after your studies, what did you do in between?
Firstly I worked for three years in Bolivia, principally on a feasibility study for the San Cristobal project. Subsequently I returned to the UK to study a business MSc. I then worked as a business manager for an industrial minerals company in the UK until I decided to look for work as a geologist in Chile. I began work as a field geologist and now manage the near-mine exploration
Do you travel within the UK or overseas very much?
I live in Chile and travel extensively for recreation.
Do you work a regular length day/week or are shifts involved?
Usually a normal week.
What do you enjoy about your job?
What advice or extra information do you wish you’d had before starting this career?
That there are many different types of career that you can pursue as an industry geologist: exploration, mine geology, reserve calculation, managerial roles.
What position would you like to hold in five years' time?