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The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate

Product Code: SP328
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by K H James, M A Lorente and J L Pindell
Publication Date: 23 December 2009
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Special Publication 328

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This book discusses the current state of research on the geology of the area between North and South America, with a focus on the origin of the Caribbean Plate. Prevailing understanding is that the Caribbean Plate formed in the Pacific and migrated between the Americas. According to this model, the plate comprises oceanic and volcanic arc rocks. An alternative interpretation considers that the plate formed in place and includes extended continental crust. Hybrids of these ideas also exist.The papers in this volume provide regional overviews, discussions of the origins of the Caribbean Plate, and consider aspects of local geology arranged in a circum-Caribbean tour and ending in the plate interior.They address tectonics, igneous and metamorphic geology, stratigraphy and palaeontology. The objective of this wide variety of topics is to facilitate debate.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-288-9
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-288-5
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 868
Weight: 2.10 kg


Pindell, J. L. Kennan, L. Tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and northern South America in the mantle reference frame: an update
Giunta, G. Oliveri, E. Some remarks on the Caribbean Plate kinematics: facts and remaining problems
James, K. H. In-situ origin of the Caribbean: discussion of data
James, K. H. Evolution of Middle America and the in situ Caribbean Plate model
Milsom, J. S. The Caribbean: an oroclinal basin?
Giner-Robles, J. L. Pérez-López, R. Rodríguez-Pascua, M. A. Martínez-Díaz, J. J. González-Casado, J. M. Present-day strain field on the South American slab underneath the Sandwich Plate (Southern Atlantic Ocean): a kinematic model
Keppie, J. D. Morán-Zenteno, D. J. Martiny, B. González-Torres, E. Synchronous 29-19 Ma arc hiatus, exhumation, and subduction of forearc in southwestern Mexico
Cerca, M. Ferrari, L. Tolson, G. Giacomo, C. Marco, B. Piero, M. Analogue models of an early Cenozoic transpressive regime in southern Mexico: implications on the evolution of the Xolapa complex and the North American–Caribbean Plate boundary
Guzmán-Speziale, M. A seismotectonic model for the Chortis Block
Valls Alvarez, R. A. Geological evolution of the NW corner of the Caribbean Plate
Ratschbacher, L. Franz, L. Min, M. Bachmann, R. Martens, U. Stanek, K. St?bner, K. Nelson, B. K. Herrmann, U. Weber, B. López-Martínez, M. Jonckheere, R. Sperner, B. Tichomirowa, M. McWilliams, M. O. Gordon, M. Meschede, M. Bock, P. The North American-Caribbean Plate boundary in Mexico-Guatemala-Honduras
Solari, L. A. Ortega-Gutíerrez, F. Elías-Herrera, M. Schaaf, P. Norman, M. Torres De León, R. Ortega-Obregón, C. Chiquín, M. Morán Ical, S. U-Pb zircon geochronology of Palaeozoic units in Western and Central Guatemala: insights into the tectonic evolution of Middle America
Cobiella-Reguera, J. L. Emplacement of the northern ophiolites of Cuba and the Campanian-Eocene geological history of the northwestern Caribbean-SE Gulf of Mexico region
Hastie, A. R. Kerr, A. C. Mitchell, S. F. Millar, I. L. Geochemistry and tectonomagmatic significance of Lower Cretaceous island arc lavas from the Devil's Racecourse Formation, eastern Jamaica
Stanek, K. Maresch, W. V. Pindell, J. L. The geotectonic story of the northwestern branch of the Caribbean Arc; implications from structural and geochronological data of Cuba
Hastie, A. R. Is the Cretaceous primitive island arc series in the circum-Caribbean region geochemically analogous to the modern island arc tholeiite series?
Buchs, D. M. Baumgartner, P. O. Baumgartner-Mora, C. Bandini, A. N. Jackett, S. J. Diserens, M. O. Stucki, J. Late Cretaceous to Miocene seamount accretion and melange formation in the Osa and Burica peninsulas (Southern Costa Rica): episodic growth of a convergent margin
Montgomery, H. Kerr, A. C. Rethinking the origins of the red chert at La Désirade, French West Indies
Jaillard, E. Lapierre, H. Ordoñez, M. Álava, J. T. Amórtegui, A. Vanmelle, J. Accreted oceanic terranes in Ecuador: southern edge of the Caribbean Plate?
Kennan, L. Pindell, J. L. Dextral shear, terrane accretion and basin formation in the Northern Andes: best explained by interaction with a Pacific-derived Caribbean Plate
Grande, S. Presence of a high grade rocks in NW Venezuela of possible Grenvillian affiinity
Weber, M. B. I. Cardona, A. Paniagua, F. Cordani, U.G. Sepúlveda, L. Wilson, R. The Cabo De La Vela Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, Northeastern Colombian Caribbean region; a record of multi-stage evolution of a Late Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc
Audemard, F. A. Key issues on the post-Mesozoic Southern Caribbean Plate boundary
Baquero, M. Acosta, J. Kassabji, E. Zamora, J. Sousa, J. C. Rodríguez, J. Grobas, J. Melo, L. Schneider, F. Polyphase development of the Falcón Basin in northwestern Venezuela; implications for oil generation
Higgs, R. Caribbean-South America oblique collision model revised
Higgs, R. The vanishing Carib Halite Formation (Neocomian), Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad prolific petroleum province
Cooney, P. M. Lorente, M. A. A structuring event of Campanian age in western Venezuela, interpreted from seismic and palaeontological data
Maresch, W. V. Kluge, R. Baumann, A. Pindell, J. L. Kruckhans-Lueder, G. Stanek, K. The occurrence and timing of high-pressure metamorphism on Margarita Island, Venezuela: a constraint on Caribbean-South America interaction
Pindell, J. L. Kennan, L. Wright, D. T. Erikson, J. Clastic domains of sandstones in central/eastern Venezuela, Trinidad, and Barbados: heavy mineral and tectonic constraints on provenance and palaeogeography
Diebold, J. Submarine volcanic stratigraphy and the Caribbean LIP's formational environment
Kerr, A. C. Pearson, G. Nowell, G. M. Magma source evolution beneath the Caribbean oceanic plateau: new insights from elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic studies of ODP Leg 165 Site 1001 basalts


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